Fancher Psychology Blog

Therapy for Anxiety: Calming the Storm
Anxiety is a normal experience every human faces at certain times. It’s designed to protect us and keep us safe; however, in modern times the “dangers” in our lives are rarely actual dangers.

What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a necessary human emotion that helps us react to life-threatening situations. But, when that bleeds over into our daily life, anxiety can be crushing.

A Simple Mindfulness Trick
Mindfulness is simply the act of being present with the space, smells, and sounds around you. Being mindful can help you relieve anxiety and stress.

Nutrition and Anxiety Reduction
There is more and more literature about the impact of our diet on our stress and anxiety levels. Learn more about the foods you should incorporate into your daily diets.

1 Minute Stress Reduction
Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, use this quick breathing technique to bring you back to earth.